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Toni Beasley, a Valdosta, Georgia native, an ambitious Libra. Not living the life of a typical child but as a foster child. Toni found herself in estranged mental living from living in many different foster homes. However, she remained thankful to know she was adopted. In her last adopted family, her "blessed" living became a living nightmare as she resided in an abusive household. Although, she endured years of domestic violence, the life of a homeless and much more, Toni still achieved her goals by graduating high school with a two-year basketball scholarship.


Shortly after Toni's graduation, she still found herself in a pit. As the last words spoken by your foster family, "even with your two-year scholarship, we can't afford your college." At the age of 18, Toni found determination to "take back what the devil stole." Toni, tested her faith and leaped out in the world with no understanding of love, guidance, or protection. Toni landed the opportunity of a two-year modeling scholarship in 2012. This one platform changed Toni entire life, the beginning of a new change.


Beyond the today's campaign #MeToo, we can truly understand Toni elevation of this campaign in walking in her own campaign #Youtoo. Never a dull testimony as many young ladies who walk in the similar life as Toni. Her modeling career has allowed her to walk in beauty, respect and purpose.Toni has taken her challenges and made it in victory, not for self but for other young men and women. When Toni shares her story, beyond the platform, you can always find Toni utilizing her platform to not only show her beauty but to show God's beauty. Today, you can find Toni on the runway, offering motivational speaking, hosting and wearing crowns and sashes in limelight of being a beautiful woman; but more importantly, she walks in the light. To understand Toni "Can't is NOT an option, #YOUTOO can walk in the light

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